• Homeless Liaison

    Who should I contact?

    • If you are experiencing homelessness or believe you would qualify for support under the McKinney Vento Act, we can help. Each building in CVSD has a homeless designee:
      • Allen Brook School: Heather Scandale
      • Williston Central School: Danielle Morin
      • Charlotte Central School: Betsy Lloyd
      • Hinesburg Community School: Katherine Batty
      • Shelburne Community School: Rachel Petraska
      • CVU: Ry Hoffman & Colleen McSweeney
      • In addition, please reach out directly to your child's counselor, social worker or classroom teacher - they can direct you to where you need to go.
    • Districts are required to have a Homeless Liaison who works within the schools and community to ensure that homeless youth receive the support they need to access their education.

      The CVSD Homeless Liaison is Anna Couperthwait. acouperthwait@cvsdvt.org 802 383-1234

More Information

  • How does McKinney-Vento define homelessness?

  • Rights of Eligible Children

  • Resources

  • Internal Use - Making a Referral