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CVSD Assessment Data

A student's education is a journey. A standardized assessment is only one snapshot of student achievement. While it produces scores that can be compared over time and in some cases compared to state and national trends, these standardized measures do not capture the full picture of a student's strengths and areas for growth nor whether the student will be successful in future endeavors.

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Attendance Rates94.83%89%90%
Graduation Rates91% in 4 years (2023)82% in 4 years (2023)87% (2023)
College Placement69.55%41% (2023)61.40%
NAEP Math (4th & 8th)No ComparisonSee linkSee link
NAEP Reading (4th & 8thNo ComparisonSee linkSee link
VTCAPSee belowData not yet availableNo comparison

Reading: 62% proficient or above

No comparisonReading: 52% proficient or above
Math: 54% proficient or aboveNo comparisonMath: 47% proficient or above
SATReading/Writing: 567 Reading/Writing: 558Reading/Writing: 484  
Math: 521Math: 524Math: 464
AP TestsStudents taking tests = 208No comparisonScored 3 or higher = 89%
Scored 3 or higher = 91%
Scores of 4 = 36%
Scores of 5 = 37%

VTCAP English Language Arts 22-23 vs 23-24


VTCAP Math 22-23 vs 23-24