Welcome, future Kindergarten families!
We are excited to get to know your child as a person and a learner over the course of their years as a Champlain Valley School District student. The Champlain Valley School District (CVSD) has four schools that serve students in kindergarten.
Allen Brook School (PK-2) –Williston and St. George residents
Charlotte Central School (K-8) –Charlotte residents
Hinesburg Community School (PK-8) –Hinesburg residents
Shelburne Community School (PK-8) –Shelburne residents
Registration for the new school year will begin on Monday, February 3. Enrolling children must be 5 years old BEFORE September 1 of the enrolling school year.
Important, please read:
Has your child attended one of the CVSD’s school-based preschool programs?
Has your child registered at any point in the past for publicly funded Act 166 Universal PreKindergarten through CVSD?
If you answered "Yes" to either one of these questions, please contact your enrolling school’s registrar below for steps to enroll your child in kindergarten.
Allen Brook School – Shani Varricchione, svarricchione@cvsdvt.org 802-871-6203
Shelburne Community School – Katie Schut, kschut@cvsdvt.org 802-985-2070
Charlotte Central School – Naomi Strada, nstrada@cvsdvt.org 802-425-6600
Hinesburg Community School – Deb Lavalette, dlavalette@cvsdvt.org 802-482-6200
If you answered "No" to the above questions, please go to Step 1 below to start the registration process.
Step 1: Complete the Online Registration (for students NEW to CVSD only)
Register for Kindergarten
All incoming kindergarten students must have a completed online registration form before the start of the school year. Ideally, families who know their child will be attending school in the Champlain Valley School District should complete the registration form by February 28, 2025.
The district also requires every enrolling student to submit the following documents to start school. Families may choose to upload them during the online registration process or they may drop them off at the enrolling school. The district MUST have all three documents on file for your child to attend school. There are no exceptions.
Proof of Residency*
REQUIRED by all CVSD schools prior to enrollment
View the list of documents accepted for Proof of Residency -
Immunization Record from your child's doctor
REQUIRED by all CVSD schools prior to enrollment
View the list of immunizations required by the VT Department of Health - Birth Certificate
REQUIRED by all CVSD schools prior to enrollment
(a copy is acceptable)
Step 2: Sign up for Kindergarten Screening and attend the Kindergarten Parent Information Session
After your registration is complete, you will be contacted by your enrolling school with information about kindergarten screening and the parent information session.
Step 3: Start preparing your child for Kindergarten
There are many ways you can get your student excited about kindergarten to help facilitate a smooth transition. We encourage you to drive or walk by your school and use the weekends to play on the school playground. Off to Kindergarten is one of many resources that will help your child and family transition to kindergarten.
If you have specific questions, please contact your enrolling school.