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Lead in Water Information Letter

Act 66 requires all schools in Vermont to test their drinking water for lead. 

The CVSD school district, Allen Brook School, Charlotte Central School, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg Community School, Shelburne Community School, and Williston Central School will be testing their drinking water as follows;

Water Test Collection Dates

Charlotte Central School, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg Community School testing period is 1/20/20 - 1/26/20

Allen Brook School, Shelburne Community School, Williston Central School testing period is 1/28/20 - 2/3/20

Each school will receive its test kits during this time period and perform the tests while school is in session. Samples will be collected just prior to the school opening for the day so that the test is a true representation of what our students and community are drinking from our fountains and kitchen areas of the school.

After this testing period, the results may take up to two weeks to be posted on the test results page.

Lead In Drinking Water Results

The state lead in water action level for schools is 4 PPB (parts per billion) anything at or above this level will require immediate action to be taken. Any sink, water fountain, cooking area or other water source from which students may drink which is found to have elevated levels of lead will be taken out of service immediately. We will make sure there is an alternative source of water available for drinking and cooking if this happens. New fountains or faucets will be purchased to replace the units that tested at or above 4 ppb. After replacement, there will be a new round of water tests taken before the source is placed back in service to be certain that we have corrected the issue.

Prior Lead In Water Test Results

Champlain Valley School District proactively conducted water tests at each school earlier this year before the testing requirement dates set by the state. Each school was safely below the action level set by the state at that time.


If you have questions about lead in water tests for our schools that we may not have covered, you can find it on the state’s website (Lead in Drinking Water in Schools) or you can call 211