CVU Public Records Notice
Notice is hereby given that the Champlain Valley School District (formerly Chittenden South Supervisory Union) including the towns of Charlotte, Hinesburg, St. George, Shelburne, and Williston intends to destroy the special education records of all students who exited from any special education program during the 2018-2019 school year.
A permanent record of the student’s name, address, phone number, grades, attendance record, and year completed is maintained without time limitation.
Any former student, who has reached 18 years of age, may review and/or receive these records upon request. Also, any parent of a student who is 18 years of age or older, who has retained parental rights, may obtain these records.
Please contact the Champlain Valley Union High School Special Services Office at (802) 482-7115 by July 31, 2024. If no student, parent, or guardian responds to this public notice prior to or by July 31, 2024, the school district will assume consent to destroy the entire record specific to the student.