• Student Day

    School Starts at 7:45am

    • The school day starts at 7:45 and ends at 2:45pm.  Students riding buses or attending Part 2 will be released at that time.  Car riders, bike riders, and walkers will be released once all buses have exited the circle.
    • Early Dismissal Wednesday (Teacher Professional Development), dismissal is at 1:45pm.  Students riding buses or attending Part 2 will be released at that time.  Car riders, bike riders, and walkers will be released once all buses have exited the circle.

    Arriving at School Early: 7:30am-7:45am

    • The building is open from 7:30am to 8:00am.  If your child is dropped off before 7:45am, the student must report to the gymnasium. That is the designated waiting area.
    • 5-8 students will be able to get breakfast from 7:30am to 8:00am at the kiosk in the corridor by the library.  Breakfast will be available for K-4 students in their classroom from 8:00am to 8:15am.
    • Students will report to their classroom at 7:45am.
    • Students who arrive at school after 8:00am must enter the building at the main lobby doors.  They must report to the main office to sign in, and get a late pass from Jane or Jen so the teacher can admit them to class.

    End of the School - Procedure for changing a student’s dismissal arrangement

    • The end of the day can be very hectic.  If your child needs to be released early from school, or you need to make a change to their typical departure plan, make sure you send a note into the main office at the start of the school day.  Please no calls after 1:45pm (by 12:45 on Wednesdays).  The note should contain the following information:
    • Date
    • Full name of child
    • Full name of parent
    • Teacher's name
    • Reason for the change in student’s dismissal arrangement

    Absence from School:

    • When it is necessary for your child to miss school for any reason, please call the school at 985.3331, ext. 101 before 7:30am to report the absence. The school practice is to call home in the event of an unexplained absence in order to ensure the safety of the children.

    Wednesday Early Dismissal:

    • Students will be dismissed from school one hour earlier every Wednesday, to allow for Teacher Professional Development.